Definition of "Self-Awareness"

The definition given by the Oxforddictionary is:

"The conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires."

It is something that you develop throughout your life. A great tool for identifying those aspects is to frequently ask yourself questions and reflect on your own behaviour. In your stage as a graduate of the secondary school and being on the verge of a new phase of your life, it is very important to become aware of yourself. You have to decide which path in life you want to go.
Do you want to further educate yourself and go to another educational institution or do you want to start your professional career?

You can get a lot of helpful information through talking to your friends and family. You might hear a lot of questions like: 

  • What do you want to achieve in life?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
These are already great questions to get you thinking about yourself.

Additionally, you can take online-tests that will help you learn more about yourself. You will find some interesting tools and tests in this unit.

But remember, regardless of your decision, the only constant in life is change. This phrase goes back to ancient Greece and still hasn't lost its validity. It means, that you don't have to desperately hang on a goal that you will define now or later today. Circumstances can change or, more likely, you will change and therefore your motivation.

With that in mind, let's work a little on your self-awareness. 

Última modificación: Thursday, 19 de July de 2018, 11:21