How to prepare a great application


Generally, an application should consist of the following pieces:

  • A cover letter and / or letter of motivation
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Recommendations of previous occupations (if available/existing)
  • Certificates
  • Diploma / Graduation certificate

Important fundamental rules

  • Please write all your application documents in the same font and size, e.g. Calibri and 11. Don't use any "playful" fonts such as Comic Sans.
  • Make sure that you stick to the same line spacing.
  • Always double-check once you think you've finished a document (spelling, format, etc.).
  • Don't use any generic terminology, e.g. "I'm a team player". Make your application authentic and describe yourself in the best way matching the job requirements.
  • Select 1-2 people that will proof-read your application documents.
  • Use an email address that sounds professional. Don't use any childhood email addresses, e.g. Josh4DAhorde@...
  • In the very likely case that your application has been accepted, the employer will ask for references. To act prepared and swiftly, identify 1-2 persons who can write qualifying references for you.

Cover letter / Letter of motivation

This document should convince the reader of your qualifications for the job opening and that they should invite you for an interview. The fundamental rules to follow:

  • Make it personal: Find out the name of the person who will read your application (if possible).
  • Explain in a believable, non-generic way why you have picked that company.
  • Pick the top 3 job requirements and match them with your qualifications or previous work experiences. Feel free to add some comments of trustworthy references and include professional goals.
  • Show passion and don't get lost in the shuffle. Make your application unique, authentic and protruding.

Additionally, there are certain formal rules that you should follow. You can download a sample in this unit.

To sum it up, please have a look at this video.

To give you some help, have a look at this online tool for preparing a good cover letter based on EU standards.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

This document is a listed summary of your education, your work experiences, your obtained certificates and your skills. It's a document that you should constantly update whenever you have accomplished something that adds to your work experience or skills. Although you will keep on adding information to this document, please try to stick within max. 2 Din A4 pages.

When describing your previous work experiences, try to use active verbs such as "created", "analysed", etc. The following video will explain in detail, how to write a good CV in English.

In the sample folder, you can find an exemplary CV. There are several formats for writing a CV. The uploaded sample a very common one. To have a look at other formats and to build your CV online, check out these websites: and

Recommendations / Certificates / Diploma

You don't have to write those documents yourself, but you should always make sure that on each document your correct name is mentioned. Also, for application purposes, never send your original documents. If possible, always ask to get several authenticated copies. Those copies you can attach to each application.

To save documents and paper, ask for your application documents back if the employer has declined your application.

Utolsó módosítás: 2018. July 19., Thursday, 11:24