Diagrama de temas

  • General

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    • Forum for students (only) Foro
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    • Forum for teachers (only) Foro
      Restringido No disponible hasta que:
      • Eres un Profesor
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  • Unit 1: Competencies (4 hours)

    As a graduate of a secondary school, you will need more than just the knowledge that you acquired in school. For your upcoming path, may it be another educational institution or your entrance into the world of work, you need to have a certain set of skills and competencies.

    This unit will give you an overview of the different competencies that you should further develop. It will also give you the chance to reflect on the current status of your skills and competencies. 

    (source: www.freepik.com)

    Foro: 1Consulta: 1Cuestionario: 1Páginas: 5URLs: 4
  • Unit 2: Learning theory (2 hours)

    (source: link)

    Foro: 1Páginas: 4URLs: 2Cuestionarios: 2
  • Unit 3: Learning strategies and techniques (6 hours)

    When you want to become a more effective learner, you have to develop a learning strategy and know about learning techniques. In this module, you will learn about this and how it can be useful to yourself. 

    (source: www.anguerde.com)

    Foro: 1URLs: 5Páginas: 2Cuestionario: 1Wiki: 1
  • Unit 4: Self-Awareness (1 hour)

    "Self-Awareness" has already been mentioned in Unit 1, but since this is quite an important aspect for you, we decided to prepare some more information on this topic.
    Foro: 1Páginas: 2URL: 1
  • Unit 5: Learning Plan (2 hours)

    Foro: 1Página: 1Tarea: 1
  • Unit 6: Starting your professional career (6 hours)

    Foro: 1Páginas: 4URLs: 2Carpeta: 1Cuestionario: 1
  • References and bibliography

    Carpeta: 1Archivo: 1