Friday, 17 de May de 2024, 04:58
Sitio: Vocal project
Curso: Training material on tutoring diverse learner groups (TM3)
Glosario: Glossary

Blended Learning

Any teaching concept that combines online digital components with face-to-face sessions. The combination of those two elements should be arranged in a way that the advantages of each are interlocked.

“The term blended learning is generally applied to the practice of using both online and in-person learning experiences when teaching students. In a blended-learning course, for example, students might attend a class taught by a teacher in a traditional classroom setting, while also independently completing online components of the course outside of the classroom. In this case, in-class time may be either replaced or supplemented by online learning experiences, and students would learn about the same topics online as they do in class…”
(source: )

To find out more, please click here.